MANAPPARAI - 621 306.
A Journey to Excellence

8940009601 / 8940009602
04332 261911

Secretary & Correspondent Message

Dr.Santhiraj M.A., D.Litt.,

Secretary & Correspondent

The School functions under the daily supervision, guidance and administration of the Secretary and Correspondent Mrs.Santhiraj. She has more than 45 years of experience in education and social service as the head of reputed first English Medium school in Manaparai. In recognition of her contribution to the cause of education and Social Service the SriLankan Open University has awarded Doctorate in 1996. Under her able leadership, our school has received many centum awards for X and XII std by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The Vinmathee Educational and Rural Development Society whose decades of experience and expertise in the field of education will make learning a joy for your children.

Dr.Santhiraj M.A., D.Litt.,
Secretary & Correspondent